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SURPRISE - New Trivia Game!
Posted by JT_ on Dec 11, 2011 2:07 pm
Do you love trivia, factoids, and quizzes? I sure hope so! Cause P3 has a brand new Trivia game ready to go. :D

You will be given 10 questions every week. New trivia questions become available every Sunday morning at 12:00 midnight Puma Time.

You have until Saturday at 11:59 PM Puma Time to answer all 10 questions before they are locked and you receive 10 new questions. You cannot backtrack!

This trivia system is completely automated like all the other P3 games. So you won't see a news announcement when the new trivia arrives. :) Keep this in mind, since I know other sites announce new trivia since it is not on a strict weekly schedule.

Each Trivia Set lasts for 8 weeks. Users will be given a maximum of 80 questions to answer during this time. Users who have answered the most questions correctly at the end of the 8 weeks will receive special cool Trivia prizes. :)

Ready to play? Trivia can be found on the GAMES page!

**** IMPORTANT NOTE: Trivia is intended as a one-player game. Posting on the forums or in the Live Chat for trivia answers is considered to be cheating and is against the rules of P3. Any user found abusing these rules can be punished per P3's Terms of Service. Please keep this in mind, and do your own research for questions you are having trouble with!

Keep in mind this is a brand new system, so we might find some bugs in the process. :) If you think something very weird is going on with Trivia, please head over to the Bugs forum and make a report! Thanks very much everyone!

EDIT: Well, shucks, it looks like there is a weird error going on here. I was able to successfully answer a couple of questions on my set, but it appears everyone else is receiving an error. I am going to try to get to the bottom of this right now. Sorry guys!
Edited: 12-11-2011 02:19 pm

EDIT2: All right! Let's try this again. :) The error bug should be fixed now.

Edited: 12-11-2011 02:46 pm
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Dr SeikansteinDec 11, 2011 2:09 pm
Says it is not a valid trivia answer when I try and answer.

ImBeeZeeDec 11, 2011 2:10 pm
Yay:D I hope I'm smart enough to get the right answere:)

crazy catDec 11, 2011 2:10 pm
hope im good at it

JT_Dec 11, 2011 2:11 pm
Seikan-- will you PM me with which question you were working on and what answer you tried to submit?

Dr SeikansteinDec 11, 2011 2:14 pm

ERROR: That is not a valid Trivia Question

There is the actual error I get, and I sent the pm :)

mrsgunsageDec 11, 2011 2:15 pm
I just had the same issue on question one. Says it is not a valid trivia question.

SambariDec 11, 2011 2:15 pm
Ooo :D Trivia!

Yam McYamDec 11, 2011 2:16 pm
I tried the first three and got the same error for each question. This looks like a lot of fun though!

JT_Dec 11, 2011 2:16 pm
Hrm, for anyone receiving that error message, will you send me a PM with what question you are having the error message with?

I was able to answer two questions correctly on mine, but everyone has different questions. So I am wondering if it is related to just 1 particular question.

Please PM me with the info. :)

SashaDec 11, 2011 2:17 pm
Same here JT And I know my answer is right for the questions i tried and got the same error

LukreciaDec 11, 2011 2:17 pm
DOESN'T work... waaaah T.T

mrsgunsageDec 11, 2011 2:19 pm
Just to make this easier for you JT, I ran all 10 and got the error.

crazy catDec 11, 2011 2:21 pm
same here

Dr SeikansteinDec 11, 2011 2:22 pm
Aww we are happy to wait as long as it takes, JT.
We're getting a new game, so that is worth waiting for XD.

You are awesome <3

LukreciaDec 11, 2011 2:46 pm

JT_Dec 11, 2011 2:49 pm
Sorry for the wait everyone! Turns out it was an odd bug that only showed up once more people than me had tried to answer questions. ;)


Dr SeikansteinDec 11, 2011 2:51 pm
lol I only got 4 right.
How sad.
Hope nobody cheats, always fun to see how much you really know.

SashaDec 11, 2011 3:12 pm
well I got 7 right lol good payouts of pence as well!!

RunaDec 11, 2011 3:26 pm
is the happiness supposed to be over 100?
♀ Blue Dia ... Cheetah 100 101 10

QuadricatDec 11, 2011 3:31 pm
my lion is at 106 happiness.. xD

JT_Dec 11, 2011 3:35 pm
Hah woops, no, that definitely should not be :P I'll fix that in a bit.

Obviously it's not an emergency!

JT_Dec 11, 2011 3:43 pm
Okay, Happiness should be correct now ;) lol

Kami Mi Ke NekoDec 11, 2011 4:59 pm
Woo! That was fun :D I actually knew a few of them right off without much thinking. ^.^ Very fun :D

.froggie.Jan 03, 2023 12:38 am
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