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Gifting Stump - Minor Update
Posted by JT_ on Aug 12, 2011 5:33 pm
Just wanted to let you all know that we have made a minor update to the way the Gifting Stump works when you send out a gift. :)

From now on, you will only be able to send out 5 gifts per hour, per recipient. I know some people enjoyed spamming stumps with tons and tons of gifts, but I'm afraid we have had to take away that ability. 5 per hour seemed like a reasonable compromise!

I have also added in the ability to choose which item type you want to view when deciding which item to send. :) Similar to the Inventory screen, you can now choose from a small drop down menu-- Food, Orbs, Environments, etc!


(I don't believe there are any celebrations today so you can see the changes, but I'm sure we'll have a birthday soon! If not, the Weekend Luau is right around the corner... :D )
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SashaAug 12, 2011 5:35 pm
JT I ♥ you! Awesome job !

SambariAug 12, 2011 5:40 pm
Aww... no more spams?

...oh well *huff*

CamogurlAug 12, 2011 5:41 pm
That is awesome! Thanks. :)

mrsgunsageAug 12, 2011 5:47 pm

JT_Aug 12, 2011 5:47 pm
Sorry Sambari! While we had a lot of people who loved it, we also had people who felt very overwhelmed. :)

5 per hour was a good way to allow everyone to send out a bunch of gifts, but to let those feeling overwhelmed have a chance to accept their gifts before they received a ton of new ones!

crazy catAug 12, 2011 6:11 pm
nice i thimk thats a great idea

KomitadjieAug 12, 2011 7:03 pm
Well, so much for THAT fun. Can't buy the stuff to spam with any more anyway. xP

NightclawAug 12, 2011 7:14 pm
Huh? I never got spammed with things... that would certaintly be fun... well, hopefully I'll get some gifts in the future. ^_^

PhantomFireAug 12, 2011 7:32 pm
well unfortunately a few people did find it overwhelming, Komi. We had a number of complaints. And remember, most people will not say directly to whomever Is spamming, because they DO one one hand appreciate thr gifts, and on the other do not wish to offend the person who is spamming, so we end up with resentful people. That part was a shame. So.. rather than risk friendships and foster ill will.. 5 at a time... each hour gives a person more to look forward to.. and makes for an easier load. :)

SashaAug 12, 2011 8:17 pm
Anonymous spammed my stump with litterally HUNDREDS of lemon snowcones and simple frames.During the war my birthday stump was spammed with over 50 ahoys and about 75 fish items Clicking each *gift* was a nightmare when I also have site duties to perform, a den to manage, breedings, births, orders to fill. So having it be 5 per hour is a blessing and I worship JT for fixing this issue.

As for restocking items komit I JUST bought about 8 items from toys and games no one else was buying them...Its all about clicking the various shops at various times.

amandaxoxlacombeAug 12, 2011 8:54 pm
LOL, Thanks guys!

furryfeathersAug 12, 2011 11:13 pm

MittenmonAug 13, 2011 1:54 am
Thank you JT :)
I too was feeling a bit overwhelmed at times. Just think of it this way! Now instead of spending 100's of pence on 100's of gifts, you can lump it all into 5 GREAT gifts!

AdhaferaAug 13, 2011 4:12 am
I think it's a great fix!

& agree with Mittenmon, why spend so much pence on presents you KNOW nobody will like?
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