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Clowders & Tags - Organizing Your Pumas
Posted by JT_ on Aug 10, 2011 3:11 pm
Two brand new features have just been added to P3 that should help you organize your Pumas in more meaningful ways! Both features are somewhat related, but they actually behave independently of each other and have two different purposes. Let me explain. :) This could be a bit long, but I think it will help to read through.


A clowder is a group of cats. What better name could there be for a new system that allows you to organize your Pride into groups!

That's right, our new Clowder system will allow you to place your Pumas into "groups/containers" within your Pride. The best part, however, is that a Puma can be in multiple Clowders! Maybe you want a Clowder for all of your Customs, as well as gifts received from other users, and maybe also a place for all Pumas with Bird Wings. It's very possible you might have a Puma that belongs to all 3 of these Clowders. It will be no problem at all to add your Puma to them all!

Clowders can be assigned a name and description, both of which will show up when the Clowder is viewed. If you have created at least one Clowder (and that Clowder has Pumas inside of it), a new drop down menu will show up on your Pride page. This will allow you to choose to view a Clowder, view all Un-Clowdered Pumas, or just view All of your Pumas regardless of Clowders.

You will be able to use your Breed view, Sorting view, AND type view menus as well, in any combinations!

There is also a new Pride & Clowder Management page that is linked at the top of your Pride. This page will allow you to add new Clowders, remove Clowders, edit Clowders, as well as a choose a Default Sort and Default Clowder for your pride if you so desire! :)

Don't forget to check out your Puma's profile page. This is how you will be adding a Puma to a particular Clowder. You will see the new Clowders & Tags section near the Puma image.

One of the most requested features, however, is the ability to specify an exact sort order for your Pride. With Clowders, this will be easy! From the Edit Clowder page, you can exactly specify your sort order for each Puma (numerically). Decimals are allowed, and more than one Puma can belong to a particular sorting number. :) If you leave the Sort Order column blank, those Pumas will come at the end of the list. For example, if I have 10 Pumas in my Clowder, 3 of which I want to come at the very top of the list, I can number those Pumas 1, 2, and 3 and leave the others blank. Maybe you want your Puma pairs to be together in the list. If so, it's just as easy to number the Pumas as 1.1 and 1.2, 2.1 and 2.2, or 3.1 and 3.2 (as mentioned above, decimals are allowed for more detailed control!).

Phew, I think that is all about Clowders. :) I know those are a lot of details, so feel free to experiment in your Pride to see what the options are. :) And ask any questions you need!


A tag is like a label or a keyword. A lot of websites, especially music ones (for example), allow you to "tag" songs, artists, albums, etc. with quick details about those items. For example, you might tag a song as "rock" or "classical" as a way to show the genre. Or, you might tag a particular song as "favorite" or "sleeping music" or "exercising". These tags are then collected by the system and you are able to view other items also tagged in the same way by yourself and by other users. :)

For a while, we've been excited about bring this concept to P3 as a way to help label Pumas for easy searching within your own pride, as well as for other users looking on the Puma Search.

You can only tag your own Pumas, but the sky is the limit! For example, you could decide to tag your Pumas based upon color. All Pumas with a bit of orange might be tagged "orange", and Pumas with black as "black". You could then do a tag search on your Pride for "orange", and all Pumas tagged with "orange" would show up. :)

Clicking to view a Puma's profile page will give you a list of all tags added to that Puma. You will also be able to add new tags from that area.

Clicking on the tag link in a Puma's profile will bring you to a page to browse that tag. You will see all of your Pumas tagged with that particular tag, as well as a list of OTHER Pumas tagged that way! :) Some tags will probably be used by many users, and others more rare. But that's the beauty of connecting Pumas together with tags. :)

The Tag Search is available right now, on all Pride pages. You can search your own pride, or other prides too. The tag search for the Puma Search will be coming soon (along with some other Puma Search updates).

(One thing you will notice is that all tags are lowercase, which was a design decision on my part, and also a way to make sure users adding the same tags would all be connected. :) White WHITE white WhItE -- these are all the same!)

I know this is a HUGE wall of text, so take your time. :) And start exploring! Feel free to post any questions as well.

These features are brand new, and it's very possible we may discover a few glitches or bugs. :) If you think you've found a problem, please post HERE.

And don't forget, today is our Top Cat's birthday. ;D See the news below for details!
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SambariAug 10, 2011 3:13 pm
Awesome o.o

brenneAug 10, 2011 3:16 pm
WOOHOO! And for those who wonder who came up with cloweder, it's a CROWD of CLIMBING animals who like CHOWDER, naturally. Sheesh..what DO they teach them in schools these days?

QuadricatAug 10, 2011 3:17 pm
This is awesome!! Long awaited and totally worth it!! :D THANK YOU JT!

JT_Aug 10, 2011 3:36 pm
Just fixed the small bug regarding adding Pumas to Clowders-- sorry about that. :)


DotLine2Aug 10, 2011 3:54 pm
This is great! Just starting with a few clowders based on whether I bred them or they adopted me, and tagging them with markings/evos (especially invisible ones) to make it easier on breeding days. And I love being able to show off my newest kits first by sorting them by age!

DotLine2Aug 10, 2011 3:58 pm
But when I'm done I might go back and add clowders for parentage - eep, this is going to keep me busy for a while!

JT_Aug 10, 2011 4:03 pm
Haha, DotsLines, there are a TON of possibilities. :)

SilveryAug 10, 2011 4:05 pm
OMG, this so sooooo awesome! I've been really wishing for a way to search through my own pride, organize, etc. Woot! \0/

amandaxoxlacombeAug 10, 2011 4:58 pm
JT you rock, and thanks for this! I am a very unorganized lady, but now I can and will organize my pumas!

KomitadjieAug 10, 2011 7:21 pm
Now THAT is going to be handy as all get out! Thanks, JT!

Kami Mi Ke NekoAug 10, 2011 7:31 pm
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG :D I so wanted this. YAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!! I may be up all night doing this :P

DotLine2Aug 10, 2011 11:19 pm
This is so fantastic, and I don't want to sound like an ingrate by asking for even more, but I was just wondering (being as clueless as I am about software coding) if this would be something quick and simple to do: Is it possible to have those fields (clowder and tags) appear in the info box that pops up when you mouse-over the thumbnails of your pumas?

JT_Aug 10, 2011 11:38 pm
That should be possible. :) I will look into it tomorrow morning!

DotLine2Aug 11, 2011 12:04 am
You're the greatest! I was just thinking how handy that would be for breeding, to just be able to roll the mouse across the pride and be able to see which ones are tagged for an invisible evolution.

crazy catAug 11, 2011 6:23 pm
YYYYAAAAYYYY!!!! I love it!!!!!!! great idea!!!!!!
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