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New Feature: P3 Bookmarks
Posted by JT_ on Jul 08, 2011 9:19 pm
I have just added in a new feature that will hopefully be quite useful for all of you!

On your Index / Control Panel page, there is now a new box called P3 Bookmarks (you can find it right below the H3 Meters box).

By default, we have a bunch of handy P3 links that populate your P3 Bookmarks. These links are most useful for new members who might be wondering what they should look at first. :) Every user on P3 will start with these defaults.

This section is customizable however, so you can do the following:

• Edit any of the bookmarks currently in your list (click the green edit pencil).
• Delete any of the bookmarks currently in your list (click the red "x" button).
• Add new bookmarks! (click the "+" button)

P3 Bookmarks can only be used for P3 URLs.

Enjoy! :)

• About 98% of the Wushi art finished for wearables is now complete. :) Check out the Snowpile set and all Heart jewelry sets, now 100% Wushi compatible!

• May's TE Items have been removed from the TE Items Shop.

• June's TE Items have increased in price.

Have a great weekend, everyone! :)
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DotLine2Jul 08, 2011 9:26 pm
Fantastic idea, and as a new member, I am absolutely certain it will be a tremendous help!

NINJA GIRLJul 08, 2011 9:26 pm
i don't see the plus button

JT_Jul 08, 2011 9:29 pm
Ninja Girl: It should be in the top left corner of the P3 Bookmarks box. Try refreshing and see if it pops up. :)

If not, please take a screenshot and post it in the Bugs forum with info about what operating system you use, and what web browser.

NINJA GIRLJul 08, 2011 10:40 pm
ok thanks jt i'll let you know

Kami Mi Ke NekoJul 09, 2011 1:19 am
Wheeeee. :D I love this feature! *hugs* :D

NINJA GIRLJul 09, 2011 8:44 am
it workes
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