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Inbreeding Consequences
Posted by JT_ on Oct 27, 2009 2:00 am
Something that has been in the works since our original beta testing is the idea of consequences for inbreeding!

In order to give users more of a challenge in choosing their breedings, I have just implemented a new breeding system.

This new system does not allow two pumas to be bred if the resulting kitten(s) would share ancestors up to 7 generations back.

When you go to do an In-Pride or Out-of-Pride breeding, you will see this information listed in the Important Information section.

In the list of possible breeding partners, you will now see that some pumas are listed in red with the indicator "IB". These are partners that would result in an inbred kitten. You will not be able to choose these pumas for breeding. :)

EDIT: I added in something new to this as well-- if you already have an inbred puma, it will not be able to breed to any other pumas. The full list should be red since any resulting kitten(s) from any breeding will be inbred kittens.

Edited: 10-27-2009 02:31 am
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WeaverOct 27, 2009 2:01 am
Ah! Wow...I didn't realize you had set it up so soon. :3

barrowmanfanOct 27, 2009 2:03 am
Ooh. I like that idea!

CarlyleOct 27, 2009 2:04 am
Great idea JT. It will make it quite a bit easier to keep in touch.


Carlyle :D

DQ_Oct 27, 2009 2:06 am
This is something I agree with very strongly. Thanks guys :D

MittenmonOct 27, 2009 2:07 am
I love it! Great job guys!!! ^__^

PhantomFireOct 27, 2009 2:12 am
Yes, it has been something we were working on since we first started P3 and this will give folks the luxury of not having to scrub thru each and every puma to breed.

TigerzGirlOct 27, 2009 2:20 am
This is a seriously awesome thing to have ^^

InviOct 27, 2009 2:37 am
This will be fun!

HulyenOct 27, 2009 2:40 am
Woohoo! That'll save on lineage tracing! :D

DevilDogOct 27, 2009 3:12 am
Well, that sure throws a wrench into my plans. I wanted to have my own personal inbreeds to hoard up and now I can't. I won't be able to breed a pair I was planning together for the fact they share a father. The colors would have came out nice too and now, they weren't the same. XD But I suppose if it's to keep people from doing it by mistake...

I still get my kitten from an inbred girl I bred earlier, correct?

Bah, this ruins so many things. XD I have a large group of customs planned with Atha for the breeding of various colorations from pumas like Andu and Cashi and Reiss. And then more colors from breeding the half siblings, but now it's all fail. Too bad it couldn't have been something you can click if you really want to inbreed.

I know, 'tis not the place to complain but...I wish you would have waited a bit on this. -watches as he is the only one to be a bit unhappy about this-

ShadowOct 27, 2009 3:27 am
I personally love the idea, it keeps the custom designs we pay real money for safe :) but I feel terrible for the poor people that already bought kittens that now they will never be able to breed. It could be a terrible setback for some people (mostly beginners)who don't have the money to buy anything else.

We need a place to send these poor inbreds to be lovingly euthanized.

PhantomFireOct 27, 2009 4:24 am
Devil, Im very sorry however this has been discussed a VERY long time and was necessary to move the site forward. There are other options like those we discussed tonight. I'd bet many folks would love to become part of a helpful project if you decided to do such a thing :)

shadow .. We are working on a way to deal with beginners who might have unwittingly purchased or bred inbreds :)

All kitten "accidents" can be sent to Pride 42. This is the overflow portal. They will be returned to the wild from there.

Edited by Administrator: 10-27-2009 04:29 am

DragonaraOct 27, 2009 4:32 am
Excellent Alex.

I think you can still send any accidents or otherwise to account 42, if you don't want them in your den. Correct me if that is no longer the case Alex, please.

PhantomFireOct 27, 2009 4:37 am
Totally correct mums!

vladOct 27, 2009 5:57 am
Well, I'm a bit upset too Devil, to tell you the truth - and I just spoke to a P3 friend of mine who's not happy with the idea either. :P

I totally understand that it's your call Alex, and if this is what you've planned to avoid accidents then I completely respect and accept that. It won't cause any long term problems with anything that I had planned personally, but I know that a couple of people here from wajas actually breed and collect inbreds as a sort of novelty.

Inbreeding's just never something that I've been angry about with games - they're totally adorable and treasured pixels, but it's not like you can inbreed health issues with pixels! ;)

Lots of people here seem to be happy about this so it was clearly the way for you to go, so this isn't a rabid complaint or anything. More of an "Oh. Okay then." It is your site and you have to do what you think is right by it and all it's puma-y denizens!

Those of us that actually LIKE inbred pixels will just have to confine our back-crossing/line-breeding etc to wajas! ;)

PhantomFireOct 27, 2009 6:52 am
Vlad, If I might give you a bit of insight into this.
P3 is set up in such a way that members can make custom pumas in a HUGE number of markings and evolutions.
We are unlimited. Many members get very upset when they invest a large amount of TE into customs only to have them bought reproduced and resold out from under them.
I've had it done on wajas. I know a few others who have as well.

However, that is not the final reason as Pumas here WILL be interactive eventually. Some issues with that would not work well and instead of having problems later we finished the scripting we had been working on now, before more issues arose.

Im hoping you will find the results to be good once all is finished.

Kami Mi Ke NekoOct 27, 2009 7:14 am
I like it. I honestly did find that one of mine that I'd purchased from another user was inbred when I went back and did all my "trees", and I was like "aww!" because I imagine that the person that bred said pumas likely didn't realize that they'd been inbred! So this sounds like it'll stop a lot of "mistakes" from happening. :)

SharubiiOct 27, 2009 7:36 am
Dang, no inbreeds. XD Oh well.

AlliraOct 27, 2009 9:21 am
Naturally as the founder of NOIPS (No Inbred Puma Support group) I am totally in favour of this addition to the site :)
Inbreeding is not necessary - there are many unrelated lovely pumas for sale on the site. Breeding siblings or closely related pumas you have purchased in order to create copies of those pumas to sell isnt playing the game fairly.

Now it isnt even possible to make a mistake while choosing a pair to breed! Excellent :D

MacleodOct 27, 2009 9:41 am
this is awesome :) sure makes breeding a bit more relaxing, yay for no more accidents :P

Biscuit TinOct 27, 2009 10:35 am
Wow, 7 generations! I've not had many (or any rather) problems with inbreeding yet since I've just been mucking about with custom breedings but it'll be interesting ^^

SunnieOct 27, 2009 12:05 pm
I am very happy with this system. Seven generations is a lot to keep track of. I hope it's not too hard on the system. I would have been happy with three. I'm glad the game is doing all the work for us. Thanks Bunches!

vladOct 27, 2009 12:15 pm
Thanks for the info Alex! :)

I've only located 1 inbred amoungst my pumas, so it doesn't really affect much except for 1 breeding that I was planning in the future.

It's also dawned on me that I no longer have to keep huge lists in my jaguar pumas profiles that say "Sister of (name here)...Half-sister of (10 or more names here!)..." just to avoid accidently inbreeding their cubs for sale! XD It should make my jag breeding a whole lot easier at a glance!

SunnieOct 27, 2009 12:20 pm
One More Thing! Sorry for double post. Those of you that have inbred pumas already, your pumas are collector's items, so cherish them, sell them, or do whatever you want with them! They are special! We can no longer make them.

Obsidian ButterflyOct 27, 2009 4:38 pm
I don't mind not being able to breed closely related pumas though it does mean that I have to sell almost all my pairs and start over since most are related within 4 generations.

I do how ever dislike that we can't breed already born inbreeds. This makes the few cubs in my sales cave worthless. If no one wants to buy them and I don't want them, what are we supposed to do with these unwanted inbreeds already in existence?
You should implement some kind of feature for us to sell/release the unwanteds in exchange for a small amount of pp.

AlliraOct 27, 2009 5:22 pm
Obsidian I've bought both your inbred pumas and they are now living happily in my back den where I let the grass grow extra long :)

JT_Oct 27, 2009 5:25 pm
I also bought one of your inbreds, Obsidian. :) I'm a collector at heart, and since these will be "unique" pumas in the future, it will be cool to have one!

AlliraOct 27, 2009 5:41 pm
lol thats not to say that I will be buying any other inbred pumas whose price is suddenly jacked up to 100k - I still dislike inbreds "collectors item" or not (and I personally dont consider them to be a collectible).

SassOct 27, 2009 6:11 pm
I like it Alex, makes life so much easier for me :)

RavenOct 27, 2009 10:38 pm
Finally, I was wondering when this system would be implemented.

No one has inbred any of my gen 2's from my Chaos pair, right? I sure hope you guys haven't....

MicchiOct 27, 2009 10:52 pm
While I can certainly understand the reasons this was done, it doesn't necessarily mean I'm pleased about it. Oh well, such is life.

KiritoraOct 28, 2009 1:03 pm
Ugh. My only two pumas share ancestors far back and now they can't breed. It shouldn't go that far back. That's really lame.

TuroTailsOct 28, 2009 5:19 pm
Nice feature! It'll save a lot of time and make breeding non inbreds MUCH easier.

Biscuit TinNov 03, 2009 10:48 pm
Really delayed comment here but I'm going to go ahead and say that I really like this feature. As my pride is growing, it was just about the time where I'd have to start checking who all their parents are before a breed but now I don't even have to think about it! ^^
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