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Server Upgrade - Starting Soon!
Posted by JT_ on May 17, 2011 2:23 pm
Thanks to all of your support, we are moving to a new server this week! :) You guys are the best! The new server we are moving to will be able to grow with us, so we shouldn't need to move around again for a long time.

Here's what you need to know about the migration process:

42). Don't Panic!

1). Geek Month is still happening and we'll have lots of fun goodies for you. :) I have put a hold on adding new goodies today due to the migration so that is why you didn't see any "New geek item!" from me this morning.

2). No data will be lost, hurt, broken, etc. during this migration. :) Don't worry about your Pumas or items or anything-- they will all be automatically coming along!

3). There will be Downtime so our database info can be transferred over. I know, downtime is not fun, but we absolutely have no other choice due to being such a database-intensive site. I'm giving you warning right now that the Downtime will be starting sometime today (May 17) Puma Time. At least 2 hours from now, maybe more. I need to finalize the plan. :)

4). During Downtime, the Live Chat will be available for any users who have already registered there. :) So even though you cannot play with your Pumas, you CAN chat with us! I'll try to jump into the Chat as well to give updates when I can. If you have not already registered with our Live Chat, go to Community -> Chat Complex to do so right now!

5). You will not be able to login during the Downtime. The index page will have the latest updates on the migration, as well as the chat. :) Everything else will be locked down.

• We are moving servers (woot!)
• There will be downtime during the migration (sadface)
• Live Chat will be available during the downtime (yay!)
• Don't Panic (42)

Thanks for all your support and patience everyone! We are looking forward to joining you on the new server. :)
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WyvernMay 17, 2011 2:28 pm

Sieben SternMay 17, 2011 2:43 pm
lol on the TL:DR version XD

QuadricatMay 17, 2011 3:24 pm
TL;DR made me laugh :D

YAY new server!

LukreciaMay 17, 2011 3:55 pm
Me doesnt like downtimes, but YaY! New server *sparkle*
Any idea how long will the downtime take?

amandaxoxlacombeMay 17, 2011 4:48 pm
Wowwy!!!!!! lol. tehehe.

JT_May 17, 2011 4:51 pm
How long we are down will depend upon how long it takes for the files to transfer to the new server, as well as how long it takes me to test everything and verify that all is well. :) The host expects at least 3 hours (3-6 they estimated) so it will be hours at the very least!

LukreciaMay 17, 2011 5:02 pm
Eh, good thing it's night here XD
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