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TE Shop Items Reminder!
Posted by JT_ on Oct 26, 2009 12:31 pm
This is just a reminder that on November 1st, the special TE items from October will be increasing in price!


The Goldstorm and Royal Feathered Gloves will become 4 TE and 6 TE (respectively).

New TE Shop items for November will be added at that time as well. :)

So, this is the last week to purchase Goldstorm and Royal Feathered Gloves for 2 TE and 3 TE! Remember that these items are limited edition and will not be offered again for sale in any official site shop once they are removed on December 1st!

Enjoy! And do not forget to enter the special Danse Macabre Raffle! (info in the news below)
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MimiOct 26, 2009 5:03 pm
D: Oh man! I needs 5 more TE! D:

IxiOct 26, 2009 6:07 pm
o.O 1 TE won't get me far then xD

JemenaiOct 26, 2009 7:13 pm
Uhg - suck - everyone who wants to buy my kits all want females and all I have are males. The TE's, I have not. Thankfully I can borrow Ricki's B-day gifts. (LY Ricki! <3)


Woe is to me. (if you've seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding - this *might* make sense to you for a giggle) (:oP)

RavenOct 26, 2009 11:13 pm
Aw poo. I'm trying to save my TE(and epically failing since no one buys puma for TE) for a custom I want to make. I only have 3 TE D:
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