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Posted by PhantomFire on Aug 05, 2024 2:56 pm
Hey all! VERY sorry but today's TE items might be a bit late. We are having a hurricane here and connectivity has been iffy at best. VERY difficult to get items into the DB during a tropical storm. Please forgive the delay.

Also, Judging for the Magic of Summer Display Contest will be this week. PLEASE do not remove or change your entries until AFTER the prizes are awarded!

Thanks all!!

EmmieAug 05, 2024 2:58 pm
It's all good, stay safe :)

plutoAug 05, 2024 2:59 pm
Stay safe updates can wait.

brenneAug 05, 2024 2:59 pm
Understood...stay safe.

Dr SeikansteinAug 05, 2024 4:16 pm
Stay safe!

dragoAug 05, 2024 4:38 pm
All good, stay safe!

whitbugAug 05, 2024 4:45 pm
Stay safe, P3 can wait. <3

MurdockAug 05, 2024 4:49 pm
Yes please stay safe. We are all good here!

TotoroAug 05, 2024 5:33 pm
We will be patient! You take care of you and your family!

kidkeeperAug 05, 2024 6:21 pm
be safe, p3 can wait!

nekokitAug 05, 2024 6:25 pm
No worries and stay safe!

IlovecatsbettethandogsAug 06, 2024 10:05 am
Stay safe!

Lulu26Aug 06, 2024 10:08 am
Safety comes first!We all understand
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