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Geek Month new items thread
Posted by Silvery on May 07, 2022 1:11 pm
Hey puma peeps!

Feeling like you might be missing out on the new Geek Month goodies? Never fear, I gotchu.

Geek Month Thread

We don't always announce in the News when we add something new, but it does get added to the spoiler thread. Of course, if you don't want spoilers, don't look, but if you want to make sure you've found all the items, it's the resource for you!
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EmmieMay 07, 2022 1:16 pm
*goes to look*

SableMay 07, 2022 1:30 pm
Thank youuuu <3

VendettaMay 07, 2022 3:12 pm
Go Silvery, always looking out for us.

MoonGoddessMay 07, 2022 3:13 pm
Ty so much I always check here hehehe

BotanicaMay 07, 2022 3:18 pm
Woohoo! Thank you Silvery - just the sort of stuff I was searching for! :D

Ci_May 07, 2022 4:15 pm
thank you!

UsikuMay 07, 2022 4:24 pm
thank you!!!

TotoroMay 07, 2022 4:27 pm
Thanks Silvery!

singleroseMay 08, 2022 12:02 pm
Thanks Silvery, the guide is super helpful....

WolfStoneMay 21, 2022 9:31 am
Thank you! I'll def check it out
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