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Update Regarding Image Generation
Posted by JT_ on Jul 08, 2010 10:50 am
I just wanted to officially address a couple of issues people are having:

1). White Lines Around Items

I'm aware of this issue and have found a fix for it. :) Just fine tuning and making sure it's still a FAST solution. So never fear-- we'll get these white lines eradicated this week!

2). When Equipping Items, Image Disappears

This one is a bit more "tricksy" so I am doing some experimenting. If you DO come up with an image that just won't refresh, feel free to just click on his/her name at the top of the Profile page to reset the image. Manual reset like this will work. (If it still doesn't work, please head over to the Bugs forum and let me know! There are a couple of related topics there that would be appropriate for posting.)

Hope this helps. :) Didn't want you guys to think we'd leave you in the lurch!

Also, check out the July TE Items below!
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kidkeeperJul 08, 2010 10:58 am
lol I must be oblivious lol I didnt notice either problem :)

JT_Jul 08, 2010 11:03 am
Well, the white line is pretty faint and not SUPER noticeable on all items. :) Which is why I didn't catch it when working on the new code-- the items I was using didn't really have any. hah!
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