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Project Wonderful
Posted by JT_ on Jun 29, 2010 11:11 pm
You may have noticed that we now have a small banner in the footer of our pages. This is Project Wonderful, which is a ad service that we have signed up for. :)

Don't worry-- there won't be any crazy flashing ads all over the place. We are going to monitor the ads and see how it all works out, but we never intend to "spam" you all with noise, flashing, and "expandable" ads.

It should be unobtrusive, but if you see an ad that is problematic, gives you errors, or is just plain inappropriate-- please notify a staff member and we will get it taken care of. :)
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QuadricatJun 29, 2010 11:28 pm
Oh I love project wonderful :) I find all kinds of cool places through those ads :D Yayyy

JangoJun 29, 2010 11:55 pm
Hm... *scepticface* Oh well, if you've signed up for it it can't be that bad. + the name is appealing. Wonderful!

vladJun 30, 2010 8:00 am
Ah, okay, no problem. :) I've run intp Project Wonderful on several sites and it's not been a pain so far. ^_^
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