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Towel Day is here you hoopy froods! [ TOWEL DAY 2010! ]
Posted by JT_ on May 25, 2010 12:01 am

::wipes brow::

I know it seemed rather hairy for a bit there, but we managed to make it to Towel Day 2010! :)


Lots of celebrating is going on today, and to kick it off you should find a special Galactic Towel (2010 commemorative!) and a Gargle Blast in your inventory! (This is for users who have been active in the last week)


Also, a certain salmon and snail can be found in the Delicatessen....


In addition to all that, be sure to check out the profiles of all your friends for the Gifting Stump, which is all decked out for Towel Day!

Be sure to enter our FREE OOAK Towel Day Raffle! Click here to see the rules and enter. :) The raffle will be drawn at midnight May 28th! (late Thursday night Puma Time)

I also heard that our lovely moderator Brenne was running a VOGON POETRY CONTEST! What is THAT?? you say? Well, click here to find out!

Happy Towel Day to all! Be sure to carry your towel with you today, you never know when you might need it as a coat, bib, or blanket!

All of the Towel Day-themed and Geek-themed items will be removed on May 28th! Be sure to snatch them up before they disappear!
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SashaMay 25, 2010 12:02 am
thank you admins!

vladMay 25, 2010 4:03 am
:DDDD Omg I was so hoping that it would be a pangalactic gargleblaster and a Zaphod snail!!
Salmon of doubt! *loves*

*runs around happily with towel* I'm off to the beach with a friend and our dogs in an hour, so I'll be uber glad that I'm carrying a towel! ;)

Kami Mi Ke NekoMay 25, 2010 7:06 am
Wow, awesome! Thanks :D

brenneMay 25, 2010 11:27 am
I would post, but I feel as though my brains have been bashed out by a gold brick wrapped with a slice of lemon. ROFL^ I LOVE IT
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