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October TE Raffle
Posted by PhantomFire on Nov 03, 2015 8:37 pm
Thank you so much for coming out and helping to Support P3!
It means a lot to us! Sites like this are expensive and costly, We try to keep prices as low as possible but, sometimes it's difficult. Lately so many things have increased in cost and it's getting difficult to maintain within the old budget! So thank you again for helping to support us! November TE raffle is now open!

Remember, all contributing 10 or more will be entered in the New Years Eve OOAK raffle, One entry for every 10 dollars contributed! Win an Original one of a kind [OOAK] puma of your design! ( And we might be raffling more than one OOAK! stay tuned!)

annnnddddd....The winners of the September TE Raffle are.... (as determined by

4th place:
brenne [ 13 ]
Winner: "Emerald Orb"

3rd Place:
Usiku [ 926 ]
Winner: "Sapphire Orb"

2nd Place
babyroot [ 3693 ]
Winner: "Garnet Orb"

sienna77 [ 1863 ]
Winner: "Opal Orb"

Congratulations you guys! Prizes will be sent out shortly.
Remember! We have extended Danse a few more days, it ends on the 7th of November, so there is still time to enter all the fun contests in
User Contests, Raffles, & Giveaways
Enter them all!

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sienna77Nov 03, 2015 9:00 pm
Oh my goodness, thank you so much! That couldn't be more perfect, now I can make a mate for Moonbow sooner than I had expected! XD

Congratulations to the rest of the winners, looking forward to seeing what everyone does with their orbs! XD

SilveryNov 03, 2015 9:13 pm
Congrats y'all! :D

MariahNov 03, 2015 10:47 pm
Good job everyone. Great contest.

brenneNov 03, 2015 11:26 pm
Woot! Now...who wants to lay odds on whether I can hold onto the orb until I have enough to make a mate for one of my recent many-marking pumas or whether I will snap and make one for my breeding lines first? lol Thank you so much!

ImBeeZeeNov 04, 2015 6:57 am
congratulations to the winners:D

ApplesNov 04, 2015 10:47 am
Congratulations all :-)

babyrootNov 04, 2015 3:15 pm
thank you

SableNov 04, 2015 8:39 pm
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