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TE Raffle Winners for September!
Posted by PhantomFire on Oct 06, 2015 10:27 am
Thank you so much for coming out and helping to Support P3!
It means a lot to us! Sites like this are expensive and costly, We try to keep prices as low as possible but, sometimes it's difficult. Lately so many things have increased in cost and it's getting difficult to maintain within the old budget! So thank you again for helping to support us! October TE raffle is now open!

Remember, all contributing 10 or more will be entered in the New Years Eve OOAK raffle, One entry for every 10 dollars contributed! Win an Original one of a kind [OOAK] puma of your design! ( And we might be raffling more than one OOAK! stay tuned!)

annnnddddd....The winners of the September TE Raffle are.... (as determined by

4th place:
ImBeeZee [ 1668 ]
Winner: "Emerald Orb"

3rd Place:
Kami Mi Ke Neko [ 72 ]
Winner: "Sapphire Orb"

2nd Place
Apples [ 258 ]
Winner: "Garnet Orb"

RedDawn [ 6993 ]
Winner: "Opal Orb"

Congratulations you guys! Prizes will be sent out shortly.

Also.. CONGRATULATIONS to "Impress me" round 5 winners!
"Impress me round 6" has posted in Custom discussion! Get on over there and post your entries! IF you do not know how to post, Message me or any of the Mods / Guides on the site and we will be happy to help you thru the process! Win a custom of your very own!
Go to Thread

Thanks again everyone for "Supporting P3Games!

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spartaOct 06, 2015 10:38 am
How would I enter in the October raffle?

ImBeeZeeOct 06, 2015 10:45 am
YaY! Congratulations to all the winner:D I luv and support P3!

ImBeeZeeOct 06, 2015 10:47 am
You purchase 10 TEs for each raffle ticket for that month Sparta. I believe that's how it works:D

SableOct 06, 2015 10:53 am
Sprata you just buy TE this month to enter. Each ten te is worth one entry :)

Congrats guys!! ^_^

SableOct 06, 2015 10:54 am
derp I slowly replied, you got it ImBeeZee xD

PhantomFireOct 06, 2015 10:56 am
Yes, you guys got it! With each 10 dollar TE purchase you get one ticket. This is the ONLY Sales linked raffle we have and it is for the support of the site.

ApplesOct 06, 2015 11:01 am
Ohhh, I'd forgotten about this, thank you. Some other reason to play with the demo even more. lol

Kami Mi Ke NekoOct 06, 2015 3:57 pm
Woo hoo ^^ Whee :)

RedDawnOct 06, 2015 4:10 pm
OMG!!! Love this site! Off to make another pretty I go!!
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