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September TE Raffle!
Posted by PhantomFire on Sep 02, 2015 12:26 pm
September TE support Raffle has begun!! You will get a fun badge for your profile to say "THANKS!" to all our supporters the first time you Help Support P3 with a 10 dollar donation! That badge will be yours.... FUR-ever!
Please remember, We Appreciate all your support, You guys are the best and this monthly raffle is our way to say THANK YOU. We want to give back some of what we are getting :D
ALL Purchases of 10 dollars (10 is one ticket, 20: two tickets 30: three tickets) will be entered into the end of the year drawing as well for your very own One of a kind Puma ( you get to help design it!)..Rumor has it... IT might not be the only one... shhhhh...
All you have to do to enter is Help Support P3Games! Go to "Shopping" on the sidebar, and to Buy TE! and with every 10 dollar TE purchase you get one entry!
Good luck everyone!! And thank you from everyone here at P3Games!

(Winners for the August TE raffle will be announced this evening!)

Thanks again everyone! You guys ROCK!
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brenneSep 02, 2015 2:15 pm
I read this before caffeine kicked in. Totally read "You will get a fun badger for your profile" And I got all excited...because...who wouldn't want a badger on their profile?

SilverySep 02, 2015 4:00 pm
I do! Can we have badgers, please?

PhantomFireSep 02, 2015 5:16 pm
Badgers????? We don't need no steekin Badgers!

SableSep 02, 2015 5:46 pm
I totally want a badger...

ApplesSep 02, 2015 5:47 pm
Badgers are cute. I just Googled the differences, and I think our badgers are cuter than yours. lol

And only eat worms, grubs and fruit. Yours eat small animals. o_O

ApplesSep 02, 2015 5:52 pm
Oh, and I'll buy more TE's this month. I bought just 5 yesterday as I was using up the last few pounds on a visa gift card that I attached to PayPal. I'll need more now after making a mate for my patchwork prize tiger. :-)

FlooffySep 02, 2015 6:12 pm
America has scary badgers! Ours are way cuter, I fully agree, Appie!

SableSep 02, 2015 6:23 pm
haha yeah our badgers are temperamental :P

SilverySep 02, 2015 11:27 pm
"Badgers - familiars by tradition, believed to have a certain immunity to the more dangerous harmonics of hidden sciences - scampered past with lists in their teeth, their pear-shaped bodies disappearing into special flaps in shop doorways. Above the thick glass storefronts were attic rooms. Old warehouses on the waterfront had been converted. Forgotten cellars lurked in temples to minor deities. In these and all the other architectural crevices, the Brock Marsh dwellers pursued their trades: physicists; chimerists; biophilosophers and teratologists; chymists; necrochymists; mathematicians; karcists and metallurgists and vodyanoi shaman...."

Perdido Street Station, China Mieville

PhantomFireSep 03, 2015 11:15 am

Movie - UHF
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