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Once upon a time....
Posted by PhantomFire on Aug 10, 2015 12:54 am
There was a sad little lost puma named "Summer Breeze".
Now "breeze" as he liked to be called hoped that someday someone would love him... and invite him into their pride..
He came to me.. and said... Alex, I'm lonely.. I want a forever home! And I decided to hold this contest.

Would you be a good puma parent? Why?

Write me a short story about why you would make breeze a very happy puma.. and why YOUR pride would be the one for him.

The most creative short story will win Summer Breeze for their very own...

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SashaAug 10, 2015 1:01 am
Dear Alex first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Sad Summer Breeze would be welcome in my den. All of my pumas are pampered and as their human slave..ermm helper.(Me) They enjoy constant noms and nubbles and playtimes. They all have regular pettings and chin and head scritch time as well.This of course helps keep them from trying to take over the world............ermmm helps keep them very happy. "Pumas place paws over my mouth...mrrfhhhh
I guess thats the end of my short story.....

PhantomFireAug 10, 2015 1:03 am
thank you for the birthday wishes! <3

ApplesAug 10, 2015 2:36 am
Summer Breeze wouldn't be sad for long in my pride. My pumas think they are sneaky, and while I'm not around, they get together and party. They also enjoy sharing stories of past times, so they absolutely love it when new pumas arrive in the pride, to share new tales.

One of their favourite games is seeing how many can squeeze into the Dragns Den before the dragns get too cross, then see who can escape the quickest before getting their tails burned or nipped.

And to relax, they snuggle for a while in the Petite Playground.

There's a lot of friends to meet, and lots of fun to be had.

(Happy birthday Alex)

QuadricatAug 10, 2015 5:12 am
Happy Birthday Alex <333

FlooffyAug 10, 2015 5:15 am
Happy birthday, first of all! <3 sent you a gift ;)

If Summer Breeze found his way to Floo's den, he'd never be sad again. My Flooffy tail and I would first dress him up with wearables from my huge pile. He'd share a room with other customs and get all the hot lady pumas he'd want! Eat what he want, play what he want, cause shenanigans with other pumas... He'd never be lonely with my Flooffy Tail and I and maybe we, Nageki and I, would take Summer Breeze for investigations for our Gazette! Possibilities are ENDLESS. And Flooffy.

Maybe even one day, he'd get a nice, kind lynx mate that would stay by his side till the last sunrise of Pumatopia.

Also, have I mentioned food and wearables?

TrilobiteAug 10, 2015 11:55 am
What better a pride to join than the Pride of Rushing Water?

The territory is a beautiful sprawling seaside, with propped driftwood used as caves. During the day, the sun warms puma pelts as they lie and play in the sand; and the scent of sea salt permeates. A warm summer breeze always blows off the water. At night, the sky is painted with thousands of stars. On the clearest evenings, the whole pride gathers to stargaze, reflect, and meditate.

The Pumas take great joy in collecting treasures that the tides send in, and craft exquisite decorations for their dens, like sea glass chimes that illuminate the den in a multitude of colours.

The ocean is the soul of the pride- it's where hunting, swimming contests, and treasure hunts take place!

The Pumas of the pride live in a peaceful, non-heirarchal society, with the eldest puma being the consultant- so all members are treated fairly, and equally!

*Also: happy birthday!

ImBeeZeeAug 10, 2015 7:15 pm
If Summer Breeze came to my den, he wouldn't be sad anymore because I would make him a wife:D Then they could have lots of little breezes running all over my tropical den. I just think he's in need of starting his own little family so, he'd have loved ones to walk through his journey in life with and to share his wonderful experiences with:D I'm sure when he sees his children and grandchildren he will than be fulfilled and find that his life has come full circle with his wife. Then he will look back and see how much he has accomplished from one lonely puma to the king of his pride. Loved by all who has come into his life. He would also have fun dressing up in the latest fashion:D who doesn't like to play dress up... also Happy Birthday to you, Alex!

DovesFlightAug 10, 2015 9:20 pm
If Breeze came to join my pride, he would have endless friends, a chance at finding a mate, and maybe having some baby pumas. He would get the chance to try out some cool puma fashions, and maybe even a little petite companion all his own. He would get a chance to journey all over my own secret puma world, he would get to visit the Phantasia Terra Pride and earn a permanent place there amongst the 'royalty' of my puma world. He may even get to go on adventures and find the Pirate Pumas, maybe even join in on some of their mischief . . .

If he was really feeling bored he could embark on a quest to find Terra Eiectam, the home of the outcasts. One never knows where Breeze's journeys in my Puma world may take him, who knows how his story would develope or what he would find, all I can say for sure is that he would never be lonely, or bored again.

singleroseAug 10, 2015 10:14 pm
Breeze would be so welcomed in my pride...the kits and I have had a meeting and they all agree Breeze would be a super addition to our family and possibly even have a special lady created for him sometime if he decides to come live with us.

AlliraAug 12, 2015 3:19 am
Heck I think I want to join DovesFlights den - it sounds awesome!

DovesFlightAug 12, 2015 1:58 pm
Aw, thanks Allira:) I divided my pumas into different prides in one big world, and I am working on giving them all there own story that I add onto as they get older and start having kittens and stuff.

furryfeathersAug 13, 2015 5:46 am
If Summer Breeze came to my pride he would quickly find a mate from among the unmated pumas.

He'd pick out an enviro, several items for his wardrobe, and probably a beautiful drag'n or petite to keep him company.

He would eat only the finest foods, and play with toys every day.

AnNaShAnAug 23, 2015 4:50 pm

Here's my serval, was so much fun to make!!!

SilveryAug 29, 2015 3:18 pm
Summer Breeze would never be lost in my pride. I can emphatically state that fact.

You see, just today I lost my water bottle. Why? It's purple. Do you know how hard it is to find a purple water bottle when absolutely everything in your house is purple? The poomahs are no help whatsoever, because of course, they're all purple, too. They have to resort to smell to find each other, because their mottled purple pelts act as perfect camouflage in amongst the purple blankets, pillows, rugs, wallpaper, etc. Even the grass and trees outside are purple. You open a bottle of purple mist around here, and we're all done for until someone manages to find a fan.

I suspect Breeze may in fact become the most popular puma in my pride simply for the fact that we can see him.


whitewolfAug 29, 2015 8:43 pm
Summer Breeze would be an awesome addition to my den. He would never be lonely again playing with all my other pumas. He is so pretty that all the girls would flock to him and want some romantic attention. The boys of course would all want him on their team for hooman furniture romps and other secret puma adventures. Once he got settled he would be spoiled with noms and toys to make him happy and satisfied.

TotoroAug 30, 2015 6:39 am
I was walking along the street one day, when I came across a bulletin on a bulletin board. The message read: Enter NOW! Give Summer Breeze a home!
Click Me! So, like Alice in Wonderland, I looked at the (bottle - drink me) that in this case was a "click me." And decided on a little adventure.

Only the puma, Summer Breeze, wasn't meant to be my Puma. It isn't my style and I haven't been such a good puma parent/owner/slave as of late. I had to go to the hospital earlier in the week and if I had had a pear streak on P3 I would be crushed to dust and ashes cause I lost my pear streak of 860+ days recently. To those who understand that - great - if you don't (Don't ask and I won't tell and we'll both be better off). No offense meant or taken by the wajas of madison county.

So that's it. I am not Summer Breeze's parent because it was simply not meant to be and because I was a day late - but not a dollar or a TE short. So all is well that ends well!

Frozen AcctAug 30, 2015 8:13 pm
Summer Breeze was wondering around when he fell head first into a lush green meadow. He saw that a pride of two pumas tussling with each other on the soft grass. "I want to join a small pride like that!" He though. So he did! After playing with the other pumas, he knew that this was where he belonged. In a pride where he would receive lots of love and attention because there weren't too many other pumas to compete for the pampering that their caretaker made sure to give them everyday. So Summer Breeze stayed and he has never wanted to leave. Who would? With all of the toys and attention, he has had no though of leaving and he has even sired some little puma kits! He watches over them as their leader and protective father. :)


PhantomFireAug 31, 2015 3:16 am
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