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Newzy Custom Design Contest!
Posted by JT_ on Oct 25, 2013 4:18 pm
Happy Danse Macabre, everyone! This is a report from Newzy, who finds himself absolutely fascinated with this time of the year. It turns out he wants to run another contest for research purposes and he needs your help! :)

Here's what he told us:


Like last year, this is a Custom Puma design contest. The theme is "Pumas that go BUMP in the Night" and what I am looking for are your interpretations of spooky, eerie, ghostly, ghastly and magical! THIS IS IMPORTANT RESEARCH!

Here are the rules:

1). You are limited to five (5) markings/evolutions combinations. You do not need to use all 5, but you cannot go above. (NOTE: Lion's Mane does not count for this limit.)

2). THESE ARE SECRET BALLOTS! You may not show them around or post on the forums! My research will not be successful if you share your experiments.

3). You may use any breed except Wushi (since it is Transformation-only).

4). You may use either gender.

5). Once you have uncovered the perfect spooooooooooky Puma that works for you, copy ALL of the important information down! I need everything!
• Breed
• Gender
• Basecolor
• Eyecolor
• Exact order of Markings and Evolutions, including the color/paradigm for each
• URL of the Puma Design from your Custom Demo picture

Once you have all of this important experiment data, you must send it to me (Newzy!) in account 21!

6). Only ONE entry per person! So make sure you are happy with your very first entry!

You have until November 3rd at 11:59 PM Puma Time to submit your entry (when Danse ends, entries are closed!). This contest is open to ALL users!

Once we have all the submissions ready to go, we will post the Puma images in a contest topic (and announce in the news). You will be asked to vote, secretly! This is for science!

Winners will be announced when the voting closes after we tally up all the votes (this date will be announced when we open the voting so you'll know for sure).

Ready, Set, Create!

If you are having trouble getting the URL of your Custom Demo picture, try this:
• Right click on the demo image and select "copy Image URL" or "copy Image Location" (it may also be located inside of Properties when you right click on the image).
• Paste the URL you copied into your Message to Newzy (#21)!
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singleroseOct 25, 2013 4:21 pm
YAY... this is going to be fun.

ZeliksOct 25, 2013 4:28 pm
Please note that copying the url actually doesn't work. When you sign out, then the link expires, I just tried it. This is the same thing that happened last year, too. [And why you guys ran into so many error images and had to re-create them yourselves! D=]

This was a Haunted / Chain Reaction tiger. I put the link in a new tab, then logged out, refreshed it and I got the error. I logged in once more, refreshed again, and got the same error.

If there's a way to actually keep the images from expiring when you log out, that'd be amazing!! Just letting you know =)

JT_Oct 25, 2013 4:30 pm
We are aware, which is why we need all the details to re-create them if they are removed. :)

Thanks for the report though! It's much easier to recreate the necessary images than to change all the cleanup code for this specific contest. :)

(People can feel free to upload to Photobucket or some other image hosting service, but as long as you give us the details it's not necessary!)

Newzy PumaOct 25, 2013 6:51 pm
Keep Those entries coming!

WhirlwindOct 26, 2013 3:28 pm

sunnykrystalOct 27, 2013 11:49 pm
I have 6te right now hoping to get 4more before Nov 3
Will enter the contest if I do. :)

PhantomFireOct 29, 2013 4:04 am
Sunny, why do you need TE to enter the contest? It's free and you have a chance to win something nice!

SairyeOct 30, 2013 8:26 pm
Entered! Now to hope against hope~ XD

StormhealerNov 04, 2013 12:32 am
Can't wait to see all the spooky pumas!
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